Suhani Bhatnagar, who played the role of Babita Phogat in Aamir Khan’s Dangal, died on the morning of February 17, 2024. The 19-year-old actress had an accident, and her leg got fractured. The medications caused side effects in her body and accumulated some fluids; so she had been admitted to AIIMS Delhi for quite some time. She lived in Sector 17, Faridabad. Her cremation will take place in the Ajronda crematorium in Sector 15 of Faridabad. Her last post on Instagram was a sun kissed picture in November 2021, with the caption, “November??”
Suhani took a break from her acting career to focus on her studies. She also worked on some of the television advertisements and gained popularity after the movie Dangal.
She shared pictures of her on Instagram with the director Nitesh Tiwari, the director, and the actors, which included Sanya Malhotra and Fatima Sana Shaikh, and wrote the caption, “Geeta Babita Jr. and the director.”
Aamir Khan Productions acknowledged the talent of the late actress and said she will always be remembered for her performances.
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