Demon Lord Retry is a Japanese anime show based on the light novel penned by Kurone Kanazaki. Hugely popular in Japan, the show began airing in 2019. The show became popular soon after the broadcast and with time its popularity increased day by day and quadrupled. Now some news and speculations are coming out that the Demon Lord Retry Season 2 is coming.
After the series premiered in Japan, it was released worldwide and distributed by Funimation on several streaming networks. Soon after, the show became popular outside Japan as well. The plot and animation of the show are commendable. Now the fans are eagerly waiting for the second season of the show.
Official Status: Pending (Last Updated: January 17, 2023)
Although no concrete information has been revealed on the renewal of the show, there are some speculations on the internet that the show has been renewed and production work has started on it. This is all just fan speculation. The animation makers of the show, Studio Ekachi Epilka, or any other producer have not confirmed the production of the show.
The ‘To be continued’ tag that came at the end of the first season is behind the fans’ assurance of Demon Lord Retry Season 2. This is a huge hint of season 2 coming. However, no official announcement has been made on the show yet. So for now, Fans will have to sit still and wait for any official confirmation.
The show revolves around the story of Oono Akira, an ordinary man who works in an online gaming company. He has been playing massively multiplayer online role-playing games for a whopping 15 years and loves playing the role of the Dark Lord. Once he decides to stop playing the game and suddenly he gets transported into the game world. He finds himself in the Dark Lord’s body and meets Aku, a girl who is injured and possessed by a demon. The two then go on an adventure together. During their journey, they meet the Nations and the Saints, who try to kill the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord finds himself in trouble wherever he goes with the girl. Eventually, the Dark Lord succeeded in killing the demon and freed up Aku.
The thrilling and action-packed storyline of the show captured the hearts of millions and I have no wonder why fans are eagerly waiting for the next season. While the plot for the upcoming season is yet to be revealed, it will be interesting to see what happens next with the Dark Lord and Aku.
Also read – Tomodachi Game Season 2: Is The Allegedly Hinted Show Coming Back?
The light novel that the show followed ended after three volumes. Although there have been five volumes of the reprinted version of that novel so far. The show only covered the story of the first two volumes. So it is safe to say that there is still a lot of raw material left for the show.
The second season of Demon Lord Retreat is yet to be released. You can watch the show on Funimation after its release.
Yes, Hakuto transforms into Zero in order to save Luna and Killer from a faction of Satanists. He again transformed into Zero in order to defeat Oluit.
Hakuto Kunai has superhuman strength and is extremely resistant to damage. Rapid regeneration of his body is backed by recovery items. All these abilities made him the most powerful being in the gaming world.
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