The Enforcement Directorate on Wednesday issued a summon to former Lok Sabha MP and Trinamool Congress leader Mahua Moitra and businessman Darshan Hiranandani in the FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act) case. The probe agency has asked Mahua Moitra and Hiranandani to appear on March 28.
The agency is inspecting the transactions with a non-resident external account in the case; it is also analysing various other foreign payments and transfers of funds.
Earlier, Moitra was removed from the Lok Sabha in December for “unethical conduct,” but she was later renominated from West Bengal’s Krishnanagar seat in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.
Recently, the Central Bureau of Investigation raided her residence in relation to the cash-for-query case; this came after Lokpal guided the federal agency to investigate the charges imposed on her by BJP MP Nishikant Dubey.
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