Soon after Elon Musk took over Twitter, the social media started making headlines for several turbulent changes. The Mastermind behind “Twitter-now-X”, Elon Musk, have significantly brought up major changes like the microblogging site-change of the brand identity, the introduction of blue, an $8 paid subscription for users, the introduction of gold and silver ticks, reinstating controversial accounts, changes in content moderation, and many more.
Now, recently, the SpaceX and Tesla Chief made an unusual change in his Twitter handle bio.
He went on to define himself as “CTO” in his Twitter bio; according to Musk, CTO is abbreviated as Chief Troll Officer. Not only this but the 52-year-old businessman and investor updated his location as “Trollheim”.
Meanwhile, announcing the same, the richest man in X wrote about the same on social media.
Besides, Elon Musk often makes waves on social media owing to his troll and sarcastic comments for trolling people or institutions. Along with troll comments, he is often known for posting sarcastic memes on his social media handle.
Nevertheless, his recent update garnered more than 4.6 million views and 3,30,000 likes.
An X user reacted “Nice one sir! It is epic xD. you just won the internet for today.”
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Chief Trolling Officer. Please put on your seatbelts and your trays in their upright position, it’s about to get.” replied another user.
While some enjoyed the pun, a section of netizens were concerned about Musk’s maturity and slammed him for not being serious.
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You’re a grown man? Just shows you money can’t buy humour you big pudding.” said one user while criticising Musk’s sense of humour.
This dude runs some of the most consequential companies on the planet and spends his time tweeting shit like this all day,” read a Tweet.
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