Bollywood actors Emraan Hashmi and Mallika Sherawat were spotted together at the wedding reception of film producer Anand Pandit’s daughter in Mumbai on Thursday night. The duo was seen posing for pictures together after 20 years.
Mallika donned a hot pink dress and Emraan wore a black suit; videos of them hugging at the party surfaced on the internet, and fans went gaga over them. The fans of the duo were excited to see them together after 20 years.
Emraan and Mallika fought during the shoot for the movie ‘Murder,’ which marked its release in 2004. In 2014, Emraan Hashmi made a controversial remark on the show ‘Koffee With Karan’ hosted by Karan Johar against Mallika. Karan questioned Emraan to name “the best and worst on-screen kiss.” Emraan named Mallika as the worst on-screen kiss and Jacqueline Fernandez as the best.
Emraan also sparked a conflict when Karan asked him, “What one might find in Mallika’s bedroom?” Emraan replied, “An idiot’s guide to succeed in Hollywood.”
Mallika reacted to Emraan’s comments and said that the snake in her film ‘Hisss’ was a better kisser than Emraan.
In 2021, during a conversation with Mandira Bedi on the show ‘Live Laugh Love,’ Mallika recalled her fight with co-actor Emraan Hashmi and called it ‘childish.’
The funniest was with Emraan Hashmi after or during Murder. We didn’t speak and now I think it was so childish. It was after the film I think during promotions or something we had a misunderstanding. It was so uncalled for and so childish on my part also.
Their reunion at the party gives a hint of friendship between the duo after a long fight of 20 years. The fans are happy to watch them together.
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