In a shocking incident, famous football player Lionel Messi and acclaimed actor Shah Rukh Khan have been ordered to appear before the district consumer commission in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur area. According to reports collected by sources, the two prominent public figures were directed owing to a case related to an educational institution.
Besides, the reports claim that the duo, Shah Rukh Khan and Lionel Messi were the brand ambassadors of the institution. While the petitioner’s son joined the institute; however, as their studies went off, they initially dropped out.
Furthermore, the report also claimed that the petitioner had to pay off loans in multiple categories, not with the fact that they have paid off for their college education.
Following the incident, a case was filed at the district consumer commission that was directed to summon seven eminent personalities including Shah Rukh Khan and Lionel Messi.
Nevertheless, the duo missed the court appearance and it was their lawyers who represented their clients in court. Nevertheless, owing to the missing original documents, they now have been issued on April 12, 2024.
Talking about the actor Shah Rukh Khan is now involved in other acting projects while actively celebrating his recent Hindi film, Dunki. Meanwhile, Messi, 36, is currently playing his trade with MLS Side Inter Miami CFI. Messi is nominated alongside his former PSG teammate Kylian Mbappe and Manchester City forward Erling Haaland.
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