On January 9, 2024, the biggest tech show of the year, the Consumer Electronics Show, kicked off in Las Vegas. During the event, Samsung took the stage to share its artificial intelligence vision. While focusing on how AI can conveniently experience their devices more efficiently, the South Korean Tech Giant has not just limited itself to its TV but home appliances too.
“With the emergence of artificial intelligence, smarter, better experiences will redefine how we live. Samsung’s broad portfolio of powerful devices, along with the pursuit of open collaboration, will help bring AI and hyper-connectivity to all,” says Jong-Hee (JH) Han, Vice Chairman, CEO and Head of Samsung’s Device eXperience (DX) Division.
Initiated with Samsung’s Neo QLED 8K QN900D TV, the device is believed to have an AI-built processor, and two times faster than its predecessor.
Ballie, the rolling AI robot introduced by Samsung, has received significant updates since its introduction. Now Ballie has gone through a major AI upgrade where it is designed to be capable of interacting with other smart devices to provide customised services.
Not in TV and robots, but Samsung has introduced itself with AI home appliances. The newly introduced Samsung AI refrigerator features the new AI vision inside, which uses an internal camera to recognise up to 33 internal items kept in your fridge.
The concept of an AI fridge is to assist in the kitchen by reducing the amount of food waste and promoting a healthier lifestyle. With its advanced AI features, the fridge can help in tracking the expiry dates of food items and alerting the user before they go bad. It can also suggest recipes based on the ingredients available in the fridge and provide nutritional information for the same.
Besides fridges, Samsung has introduced AI for laundry too. With the new Bespoke laundry combo, users can conveniently customise their machine to wash and dry their clothes.
This is designed to give a convenient and best cleaning experience. With its vacuum and mop robot cleaner, the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo will utilise Artificial intelligence for an effective hygiene experience.
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