Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday attacked the Trinamool Congress (TMC) government in West Bengal over the Sandeshkhali incident and called it a matter of shame. “Sandeshkhali incidents matter of shame, for nearly 2 months, prime accused was not arrested” at Arambagh Rally.
“Entire country reeling with anger after seeing what TMC has done to the sisters of Sandeshkhali,” PM Modi added at the Arambagh rally. PM Modi attacked the opposition INDIA group for being silent over the issues in Sandeshkhali.
PM Modi added that the people of the country are the eyewitnesses to the situation in Bengal. The people of the country are sad and filled with anger after watching what has been done to the sisters of Sandeshkhali by the TMC government, which claims to worship Maa, Mati, and Manush.
Hinting at the fiasco over the disbursal of funds, PM Modi alleged, “Centre is sending funds to Bengal, but TMC govt is not utilising them and creating blockades. TMC involved in corruption in all spheres of life – from appointment in govt jobs to cattle smuggling”. He further stated that the TMC government is corrupt in all aspects, and INDIA alliance leaders are giving importance to the corrupt rather than favouring those who are tortured by TMC in Sandeshkhali.
The TMC is confident that the minorities will support it, but the Muslims will also vote against the goonda raj of the TMC government. PM said that this will be the countdown to its farewell from power in Bengal as TMC will be defeated in Lok Sabha Polls.
TMC chief Shajahan Sheikh was taken into custody early on Thursday morning after being missing for 55 days during which local women-led violent protests. Sheikh is accused of sexual assault and land grabbing in Sandeshkhali.
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