The upcoming movie RC 16 features Janhvi Kapoor and Ram Charan. The film is directed by Buchi Babu Sana. Mythri Movie Makers made the announcement on X for the movie on Janhvi’s 27th birthday. “Welcoming the celestial beauty on board for #RC16. Happy Birthday to the mesmerizing #JanhviKapoor #RamCharanRevolts,” the banner read in the post. Janhvi’s father-producer, Boney Kapoor, confirmed to the media about her Telugu debut and said that Janhvi has already shot her film with Jr. NTR. He stated that Janhvi is loving every bit of the day she spends on the sets. Soon, she will start a film with Ram Charan too. Boney Kapoor further stated, “My wife (Sridevi) acted in multiple languages; I hope my daughter does the same.”
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