Jujutsu Kiasen is a Japanese anime television series based on the manga of the same name. It is directed and produced by MAPPA and Sunghoo Park, respectively. There are 3 seasons for the series, and the third season is yet to be released.
Jujutsu Kaisen is a Japanese anime television manga series. It is written and illustrated by Gege Akutami. It is based on a book of the same name. The first season of Jujutsu Kiasen was produced by MAPPA and directed by Sunghoo Park. The scripts and characters were designed by Hiroshi Seko and Tadashu Hiramatsu, respectively. The first season of the series aired on October 3, 2020.
The story revolves around a high school student who joins a secret organisation of Jujutsu Sorcerers to get rid of the powerful curse named Ryomen Sukuna, of whom Yuji becomes the host.
Yes, there will be season 3 of Jujutsu Kaisen, as the creators of the series made an official announcement for the renewal of the series with a preview video.
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 3 will not be released anytime soon. The third season of the series is expected to be released by mid-2025. There are chances of delays due to MAPPA working on a potential movie for Chainsaw Man. However, there has been no official confirmation from the makers about the release date of the series.
Season | Release Date | Episodes |
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 | October 3, 2020 | 24 |
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 | July 6, 2023 | 23 |
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 3 | 2025 (expected) | – |
The characters of the series are likely to be the same in the upcoming season of Jujutsu Kiasen. Here’s a list of the characters in lead roles and who they are voiced by.
A short preview for Jujutsu Kaisen Season 3 has been revealed by the makers. However, an official trailer is still awaited. We can expect the trailer for the series by 2025.
The third season of the series may adapt the Culling Arc Games from the hit manga series, Akutami. The next segment of the series will introduce new characters and more wild warnings that may be both familiar and unfamiliar. The third season will bring more fun to the audience, for sure.
Also read – Prison School Season 2 Renewed or Cancelled?
You can watch Jujutsu Kaisen Season 3 on Crunchyroll, Amazon Prime Video and Netflix. The previous seasons of the series are also available on these OTT platforms. Prime Video and Netflix may require a subscription to watch the series, but you can watch the series on Crunchyroll for free.
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