Manoj Bajpayee took to Instagram on Thursday and shared the first look from his upcoming film, ‘Bhaiyya Ji.’ He shared the poster for the film and wrote, “Aa gye hai wo! #BhaiyyaJi in cinemas on May 24th. Teaser out on 20th March at 2:42pm.” The poster for the film shows Manoj Bajpayee sitting on the ground with a background filled with violence. The actor is seen giving intense looks. ‘Bhaiyya Ji’ is Manoj’s 100th film and is produced by Vinod Bhanushali, Kamlesh Bhanushali, Samiksha Oswal, Shabana Raza Bajpayee and Vikram Khakhar. The film is written and directed by Deepak Kingrani and Apoorv Singh, respectively. ‘Bhaiyya Ji’ will hit theatres on May 24.
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