PM Narendra Modi presented the first-ever National Creators Award at Bharat Mandapam in the capital city on Friday. There were a total of 1,50,000 nominations in 20 diverse categories and approximately 10 lakh votes.
The categories included the best storyteller, disruptor, celebrity creator, green champion, the best creator for social change, the most impactful agriculturist, cultural ambassador, best travel creator, swachhta ambassador, new India champion, tech creator, heritage fashion, most creative creator (male and female), the best creator in the food category, the best creator in education, and the international creator award.
In a statement, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said that the award is an effort to recognise excellence and impact across domains, including storytelling, social change advocacy, environmental sustainability, education and gaming.
The award was presented to the creators to appreciate their efforts to bring a change in society and for educating and entertaining people with the content they create.
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