Actor Tamannaah Bhatia shared a picture on her social media account releasing the first look from her upcoming movie Odela 2 on the occasion of Maha Shivratri. Odela 2 is the sequel to the 2022 film Odela Railway Station. The film is directed by Ashok Teja, created by Sampath Nandi, and produced by D. Madhu. Odela starred Hebah Patel as Radha, Pujita Ponnada as Spoorthi, Vasishta N Simha as Tirupati, Radha’s husband, and Sai Ronak as IPS officer Anudeep. Odela 2 revolves around a village, its culture, heritage and traditions. It is a tale about a saviour named Odela Mallanna Swamy, who is a protector of the village and keeps it away from evil forces.
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