Overlord is a Japanese anime television series adapted from the novels of Kugane Maruyama. Produced by Madhouse, Inc., Overlord first dropped on AT-X, with the first season released in 2015. But now the question is when is Overlord season 5 coming? Don’t panic, as we have written all about it.
There is no official confirmation to answer the question will there be Overlord season 5. If you take a closer look at the plot of the TV series and that of the original novel, you might realize that there is a possibility of season 5 of Overlord. The author of the book, Kugane Maruyama, had earlier confirmed that the series would end with an eighteenth volume.
The first four seasons of the series have already covered the stories of volumes 1 to 11 and part of 14. Further, the yet-to-be-released anime movie “ Overlord Movie: Holy Kingdom Arc” will cover the twelfth and thirteenth chapters. So, it can be assumed that there is sufficient material for a fifth season of Overlord, as sixteen volumes have been published to date, and more are underway.
As of the time of writing this article, there is no announcement regarding the release date of Overlord season 5. However, it does not mean that the series is cancelled. There are many reasons to consider that there might be an Overlord season 5, mainly that the original manga series is still running and has not concluded. As mentioned previously in the article, the manga’s author said that the title with end with 18 volumes. Therefore, if not two, there is adequate material for Overlord to get one more season. Nevertheless, we do not have a release date for the fifth season, and it cannot be rightly predicted, but you can expect it by 2025 or early 2026.
There is no trailer for the fifth season of the series as of now. However, one might expect to see it quite soon, as the series has received praise among fans and critics, both from the original country and internationally. Its loyal fanbase has been waiting for a fifth season for a long time. Looking at the commercial success of Overlord, be it through the manga or from merchandise, a fifth installment is highly anticipated.
Cast details for the Overlord season 5 are not out yet, as currently, the season is nowhere near production. Meanwhile, the cast from the previous seasons include:
We cannot predict where Overlord season 5 will be available as it is not yet confirmed. Nevertheless, fans can watch the previous episodes and seasons on Netflix, Disney + Hotstar, Hulu, and Crunchyroll.
To sum up, there has been no announcement on the release of the fifth season of Overlord. Meanwhile, fans can stream the previous seasons on various platforms and even read the critically acclaimed manga.
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