Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched 10 new Vande Bharat trains on Tuesday, March 12, increasing the total number to over 50 and covering 45 nationwide routes. Presently, the Indian Railways Operates 41 Vande Bharat Express services, connecting states with Broad Gauge (BG) electrified networks in 24 states and 256 districts
There are six routes, which will have two operating Vande Bharat trains. These are Delhi-Katra, Delhi-Varanasi, Mumbai-Ahmedabad, Mysuru-Chennai, Kasaragod–Thiruvananthapuram, and now Visakhapatnam–Secunderabad.
Primarily, Vande Bharat trains were running on electrified, broad gauge networks spanning various states. The prime minister launched six more Vande Bharat trains in December 2023. It included the second train running from Katra to New Delhi. Amritsar to Delhi, Coimbatore to Bangalore, Mangalore to Madgaon, Jalna to Mumbai, and Ayodhya to Delhi were among the other routes. In December 2023, the second train that runs between Delhi and Varanasi was also inaugurated.
Additionally, on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the extension of four Vande Bharat trains.
Vande Bharat from Ahmedabad to Jamnagar is being expanded to Dwarka, Ajmer, and Delhi. Up until Chandigarh, Sarai Rohilla Vande Bharat will continue.
Lucknow-Gorakhpur Vande Bharat will continue to Prayagraj.
Thiruvananthapuram- Kasargod Vande Bharat is being extended till Mangaluru
With ten trains ending in the capital, Delhi will host the most Vande Bharat trains of any city. These trains connect Delhi to a number of locations, such as Amb Andaura, Bhopal, Dehradun, Ayodhya, Amritsar, and, as of late, Khajuraho.
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