Pretty Smart, the American Sitcom, created by Jack Dolgen and Doug Mand, made its debut on October 8, 2021. And with its premiere, the series garnered immense viewership and a huge fan following, The sitcom followed the story of an intellectual aspiring novelist Chelsea, who is forced to move in with her bubbly sister and her three roommates. Meanwhile, soon after Pretty Smart debuted on Netflix, fans eagerly anticipated season two of Pretty Smart. So, read more to know about the renewal dates of Pretty Smart Season 2, its plot, and its cast.
Soon after its debut in 2021, fans have continuously questioned whether Pretty Smart Season 2 will be renewed. Unfortunately, Pretty Smart Season 2 was cancelled in April 2022. Meanwhile, this happened five months after the first season was released on the OTT giant, Netflix.
Since the American sitcom, Pretty Smart, was cancelled soon after it made its debut on Netflix, there are no release dates for Pretty Smart Season 2. However, if the petition is issued by fans for renewing the popular series for a second season, creators may make up their minds to remove the cancellation.
Although Pretty Smart Season 2 has already been cancelled, if creators decide to renew, we can see similar faces in the same. Meanwhile, the Pretty Smarts Season One cast includes,
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As of now, there is no official synopsis available for the second season of Pretty Smart. Unfortunately, the show was cancelled just a few months after its debut on Netflix, which has left fans waiting for any updates on the future of the show. The sudden cancellation has also resulted in a lack of information about the plot of the second season, leaving the show’s fans disappointed and frustrated.
Despite the unfortunate news, fans of Pretty Smart are not giving up hope. Many are taking to social media platforms to share their love for the show and request for its renewal. There have been numerous petitions and online campaigns urging the creators to reconsider their decision and bring back the show for a second season. Meanwhile, the synopsis for Pretty Smart Season One reads,
Chelsea(Emily Osment), a Harvard-educated intellectual and aspiring novelist is unexpectedly dumped by her boyfriend, is forced to move in with her bubbly, carefree, not-so-intellectual West Coast sister, Claire (Olivia Macklin), and her three not-so-intellectual roommates: Grant (Gregg Sulkin), a distractingly handsome personal trainer, Solana (Cinthya Carmon), a former lawyer turned healer, and Jayden (Michael Hsu Rosen), a social media influencer.
Each of them fights their own battles. Chelsea is nowhere close to finishing her novel, Solana (aka Allison) struggles to find her identity as Solana the healer and Allison the lawyer Jayden, the Instagram influencer struggles to be more present in the real world. Claire struggles with her love life, as does Grant. Thus, this ragtag group of friends help each other out in a typical LA fashion. But Chelsea has a hard time fitting in. Will she forever be a fish out of the water? or will she find friends, love and an unexpected love for the West Coast?”
As of 2023, Pretty Smart season 2 stands cancelled. Hence there is no trailer for the season. Nevertheless, you can watch Pretty Smart’s only season trailer on YouTube
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