Prison School is an anime series based on Japanese manga. The series premiered from October to December 2015. This article delves into all the information about Prison School season 2. It consists of the release date, cast and more about the sequel to the series.
Prison School is an anime series based on a Japanese manga. The first season of the series premiered from October to December 2015. It is written and illustrated by Akira Hiramoto. The story was serialized in Kodansha’s Weekly Young Magazine from February 2011 to December 2017. Prison School revolves around a girl’s school, where the policy changes and a group of four boys get admitted to the school. The story takes several twists and turns and brings fun and entertainment to the audience. The first season of the series consists of 12 episodes. Many of you must be wondering if there is second season of Prison School? Here is the answer to all your questions about the series. Read below to learn more.
There is no official confirmation by the makers that the series will be renewed for another season or has been cancelled. Also, there are no speculations that the series will return with another season or not.
The release date of Prison School Season 2 has not been officially announced by the makers yet.
The characters in the first season might reprise their roles in the second season. The characters are
As of now, no official trailer or teaser for second season of Prison School has been unveiled by the creators of the series. However, the trailer for the first season gave a glimpse of the school and the students who were enrolled in an all-girls school. It was fun and highly appreciated by the audience.
If the series renews for part two, the story might continue from where it left off. It may bring new twists and turns into the lives of boys and girls enrolled in the school.
You can watch Prison School 2 on Amazon Prime Video and Crunchyroll. One needs an active subscription to Prime Video to watch the series. Crunchyroll is a free platform to access some of the best anime series.
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