Actress Rakul Preet and Film producer Jackky Bhagnani tied the knot on Wednesday, February 21, in Goa. Many Bollywood celebrities were on the guest list, and one of them was Bhumi Pednekar. Bhumi took to her Instagram and shared a picture posing with the newlyweds Rakul Preet and Jackky Bhagnani,
Bhumi also shared a story on Instagram congratulating the couple with their picture from the wedding and wrote, “Hearts full. Soulmates. Best friends. Lovers. The last 3 days were magical.”
Rakul Preet and Jackky Bhagnani shared a combined post on Instagram from their wedding,
Bhumi Pednekar commented on the post and wrote, “The most beautiful 3 days.”
The couple’s wedding plans were to tie the knot outside India. However, the location was changed to Goa as the venue for the wedding. Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani have been dating for the past few years and confirmed their relationship through an Instagram post in 2021.
Rakul and Jackky made sure to respect both their cultures by hosting two ceremonies. The couple took the Pheras at ITC Grand South Goa in the afternoon in the presence of their loved ones. Rakul’s ‘Chuddha’ ceremony was first staged on the day, followed by the ‘Anand Karaj’ ceremony in Sindhi style. Also, the couple is set to host an after-party with their near and dear ones.
Actress Rakul Preet Singh started her career in acting with Kannada film Gilli. Later, she entered Bollywood in 2013 with Yaariyan by Divya Khosla Kumar. She did many films and gained fame after movies like De De Pyaar De, Chhatriwali, Cuttputlli, Thank God, Doctor G, and Runway 34. Bhagnani has acted in various films and even produced some, like Bell Bottom, Cuttputlli, Mission Raniganj, and Ganapath.
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