A romantic comedy anime television series, Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie is based on the manga series of the same name. Miyako Shikimori, who is popular and self-assured, and Yuuki Izumi, who is bashful, are the main characters. The anime follows accident-prone Yuuki as he faces the challenges of high school and life in general alongside Shikimori, a character who is hell-bent on protecting him. From April 10th, 2022, until July 10th, 2022, season 1 was broadcast in Japan. Here is the information you’ve been looking for on the possibility of a second season of Not Just a Cutie, created by Shikimori.
Everything we know about when Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie season 2 will be available is detailed below.
An official announcement on the release date of Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie season 2 is expected at a later date.
Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie will not be returning for its second season. There are a total of twenty volumes of Maki’s manga, which includes 178 chapters and several bonus tales. The first season covered a significant part of the story up to Chapter 60 but omitted certain chapters. Season 2 might potentially include more storylines. Fans may probably look forward to the release of season 2 at some point in the future, provided that it is as successful as the creators had planned.
Ayaka Fukuhara plays Ai Kamiya, Shūichirō Umeda portrays Yuuki Izumi, Saori Ōnishi plays Miyako Shikimori, Nobuhiko Okamoto plays Shu Inuzuka, Misato Matsuoka plays Kyo Nekozaki, Rina Hidaka plays Yui Hachimitsu, and Ayako Matsuoka plays Shu Inuzuka.
The anime delves into the complex dynamics of Shikimori and her lover Izumi’s relationship, showcasing Shikimori’s endearing qualities as she possesses an unexpected air of coolness and protectiveness. While season 1 did adapt a large chunk of the manga, there is still plenty of content for season 2 and beyond. Adapting Keigo Maki’s original manga would likely continue in season 2, which, if greenlit, would delve more into the connection between Shikimori and Izumi and their supportive friends.
The manga concluded its run in 2023, so there is a substantial amount of content remaining to be discovered. If a second season is indeed in the works, fans are crossing their fingers that it will delve deeper into the friendships and romances of Shikimori and Izumi and their pals.
For further information on the release, keep an eye on official outlets like as the anime’s Twitter or announcements from Doga Kobo.
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