The psychological thriller “Kartam Bhugtam,” starring Shreyas Talpade, Vijay Razz, Madhoo and Aksha Pardasany, is all set to release on May 17, 2024. The movie is directed by Soham P. Shah, who is popularly known for movies like “Kaal” and “Luck” and is now ready to bring “Kartam Bhugtam” to the big screens.
The concept of the movie can be derived from the name itself, “Kartam Bhugtam,” which says, “What goes around, comes around.”
According to PTI, the makers of the film announced the release of the upcoming thriller on Wednesday and described the movie as “a cinematic experience that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats” in a press note. “Juggling the ancient universal truths of astrology and karma, the movie explores how every action has certain consequences, echoing the age-old Hindi adage ‘Jaise karoge, waise bharoge’ (Just as you sow, so shall you reap),” they added.
“For me, ‘Kartam Bhugtam’ embodies a universal truth – what goes around, comes around. The mystery lies in the unpredictability of when and how karma unfolds. When I heard the title, I was immediately drawn to the film, confident that its story would be as unique and compelling as its name,” Talpade said.
Shreyas Talpade took to his Instagram and wrote, “Continuing to count my blessings as I announce my 4th release of the year. “KARTAM BHUGTAM – What Goes Around, Comes Around,” a psychological thriller from the director of KAAL & LUCK, SOHAM P. SHAH, produced by GANDHAR FILMS & STUDIO PVT. LTD., All set for a theatrical release on May 17, 2024, IN CINEMAS PAN INDIA in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam languages. 2024 has truly been a blessing. Thank you for your continued support.”
The film will mark its release in Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam languages and is produced by Gandhar Films & Studios Pvt. Ltd. “Kartam Bhugtam” will be released on May 17, 2024.
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