Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff are engaged in promoting their upcoming film “Bade Miyan Chote Miyan,” and in one of the events held in Lucknow on February 26, 2024, the actors performed live stunts. Everything was going well until guests started throwing slippers towards the stage. The security intervened, whereas the actors ensured to maintain order and calm the audience.
After the crisis was resolved, the promotional event continued, giving fans a chance to see their favourite celebrities.
The excitement around “Bade Miyan Chote Miyan” was heightened by the arrival of actors in Lucknow. When they made their grand entrance and performed amazing aerial tricks, the crowd went crazy and the event was disrupted due to mischievous activity.
Akshay had earlier announced their presence in Lucknow with a Instagram photo. He appeared sleek in a black outfit in the picture, while Tiger looked put together in blue jeans and a white shirt.
The film is set to be on the big screen on Eid 2024, and it clashes with Ajay Devgn’s ‘Maidaan,’ giving it tough competition. The film “Bade Miyan Chote Miyan” is directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, with Sonakshi Sinha, Manushi Chhillar, and Alaya F in key roles and Prithviraj Sukumaran as a compelling antagonist.
The pictures and videos of the event held in Lucknow went viral on social media and attracted the attention of the fans towards the film, eventually promoting it. There were tweets stating that this was a publicity stunt. In a post on X about the Lucknow event, trade analysts said: “The response to Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff in Lucknow today, where they performed stunts before huge crowds, was to be seen to be believed! The new promotional strategy for ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’ worked big time.”
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