Suspended by Congress in February 2023, Patiala MP Preneet Kaur joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Thursday ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. She was accused of conducting ‘anti-party’ activities. Ms Preneet is the wife of former Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh. After being removed as chief minister, Singh floated his own Punjab Lok Congress (PLC) in November of that year and merged it with the BJP in September 2022.
In front of several prominent figures, including Sunil Jakhar, the head of the Punjab unit, and a former Congressman, Preneet Kaur joined her new party.
Afterwards, in an interview with the media, she declared that, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi leading the country, she would keep working for her constituency, the state, and the nation. “I do not want to go into the past…I had a good innings with the Congress party. And I hope I will have a better innings with the BJP,” Kaur said. Jai Inder Kaur, the daughter of the couple, is also in the Bharatiya Janata Party. There are chances that Jai Inder Kaur will contest from Patiala.
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