WhatsApp introduced the update tab last year for all users, including the channels feature. However, many users were unhappy with the design. This instant messaging app has always stayed in the limelight. According to some new reports, the company is testing a refreshed user interface. This new design of the status update tray might be available to Android users very soon.
As per a recent screenshot shared by WABetaInfo, this updated design will bear similarities to the Facebook story and status design. Moreover, this new update aims to enhance the functionality and accessibility of the status update feature. Through this, users will be able to see the updates as previews of thumbnails. It will eliminate the need for users to open them and give them a glimpse of the updates. Users can also decide which status to view.
Further, it is revealed that the channel section will remain the same and will stay below as it is. This new update will likely arrive on Android before iOS. The update is in testing for WhatsApp beta for Android However, the timeline for this new feature is still not confirmed. There has been no update regarding the status tray update on WhatsApp Web, as it already has a clear design. Notably, it has two separate tabs for the status and channels on WhatsApp.
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Interestingly, this is not the only feature in the testing phase. There are several other features in the beta build for Android, iOS, and web versions. However, the timeline for them is unknown. Reports also state that WhatsApp will introduce a new feature that will allow users to message someone by their username. Thus, it will make it easier for others to find and text you. Moreover, it will eliminate the need for you to share your contact number to have a conversation.
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